Friday, July 13, 2007


I find myself yet again procrastinating. Bloody work, has to be so...Work-ey. Simply can't stand it when it comes in such quantities that it does. Bally overwhelms a fellow, wot? I believe that crowding a mind will only serve to teach it to cope, and will not allow it to reach its full potential. Therefore, I am enacting a temporary embargo on productivity, and composing a short entry here and now with little to no idea of what the topic will become.

...What? It's worked before! That's how I write everything, even "structured" school essays. I'll sit on my exercise ball, brood on the assigned topic, fiddle with odds and ends on my desk, stand up and pace, make tapping noises against the keyboard to hide my true (in)activity from the ninja outside my window, and drink lots of water. Then, INSPIRATION! I'll quickly type out a page or two of complete gibberish as I futilely attempt to catch the flow of ideas pouring from my brain...Then have to use the bathroom reeeeeeally badly. When I get back, I deem the junk I produced previous to the pee to be exactly the paper I wanted to write from the very beginning, down to the punctuation. Completely satisfied, I'll print out a quick double-sided, and proceed to have my dreams shot, pummeled, and decapitated by my first proof-reader. Return to square one, wash, rinse, and repeat.

Eventually I'll get the paper into an acceptable state. Before the final draft is achieved, however, the page is littered with splotches of shimmering mental quicksilver, beautiful but isolated. The task of editing consists primarily of spreading these nuggets of content across the full work, to make a gleaming piece fit for public consumption. Gobble gobble gobble! Mm, consumption...That reminds me, I'm hungry. Anywho, that's my writing process for everything except my epic. That really takes planning and relation charts and time lines and all of that shite. Such a pain.

This blog is generally not edited one little bit, with the exception of link-placing and the quick read-over by my most loyal fans (all two of them). Sometimes I read it through once after "finishing," but I almost never catch anything that I should. I'm blind to my own errors...Blinded by the quicksilver! -EDIT: I just made one. After posting, of course.-

This distraction is over. Work now. Hope you enjoyed this special edition of "Piers has nothing better to do!" And have an incident-free Friday the 13th!

Common sense is not so common.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I read you blogs, you are a good writer.